Monday, February 4, 2013

Getting ready for valentines day.

I usually hate valentines day.  It's made up so big and in the end you usually get disappointed.  Plus this is the first year without my grandpa.  Valentines day was his birthday.  I decided this year that I would actually celebrate it though.  I found a bunch of cute DIY valentines ideas and I am definitely doing them this year.

Coffee Cups

I think this is a cute idea and will be exciting to see what the other writes on yours.  

what you will need - Sharpies and plain white coffe cups

Each of you takes a sharpie and a cup and write a not for your significant other.  Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.  

simple, easy, and cute!!


This was an idea that I wish I would have thought of before.  

Use thin pancake batter or crepe batter and put it into a squeeze bottle.  

Make a cute design.  The heart design looks AWESOME!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ear MItes and Litter Boxes

Ear Mites

If you have a dog or cat you know how annoying ear mites can be.  Eventually all of the vet appointments add up.  Especially with having more than one animal.  I have 3 cats (yes I know I'm the crazy cat lady) and every time I take them to the vet to get ear mite medicine it seems they get them again right away.

I feel like I'm a detective.  Thats why this stuff is so fun to me I think.  I can have a problem look for ways to solve it and it be at little to no cost.

To fix my cats ear mite problem so that I can do it from home and not have to pay loads of vet bills I started looking online.  I found exactly what I was looking for

You need.....  Eye dropper, canola/olive/vegetable oil, and q-tips.

Put a small amount of the oil into the eye dropper and put it down into the cats ears and sqeeze out slowly.  Then rub their ear so that it gets in really good.  Do both ears and when you are finished clean them out with a q-tip.

Litter Box

For cat owners you know how annoying it is when the cat uses the litter box and ends up getting litter all over the floor around it.  I have a solution for that! 

Take a tub with a lid.  Use a razor blade and scissors and cut a hole in the middle (best way to make a perfect hole is to trace a paper plate).  Fill it with litter and show your cat where it is.  Sha-Bam!!! 

Also for a normal litter box you can use a trash bag as a liner. 

Pop Can Tabs

Pop Can Tabs

I have always been a freak about keeping pop can tabs.  I love to make bracelets out of them.  That was what started my obsession with pop can tabs.  Then I thought of and found new ways to use them and I recommend to anyone to try at least one of these.


I don't remember how I learned to make bracelets out of pop can tabs but somehow I ran across it and I loved it.  All you need is ribbon, scissors, tape, and some pop tabs.  Take the ribbon and wrap it around your wrist about 5 times.  Take the ribbon and fold it in half so that there is a loop at the end.  About 3 inches up from where the fold in your ribbon is tape it to the table. Take a pop tab and take both strings and thread it up through the pop tab.  One string for each hole.  After you have the ribbon through the pop tab pull the pop tab all the way to the tape on your ribbon.  Take the second pop tab and overlay it with the first pop tab.  Take the Ribbon through the back of the pop tabs and through the overlapped holes on both top and bottom.  Pull the string tightly.  For your third pop tab over lap it with the second pop tab.  Put your ribbon through the front of the second and third pop tabs this time.  You can do it the horizontal or cross (even though it will be the opposite way on the other side). Either go to the same hole it was at or top to bottom.  Repeat This for several pop tabs until you get to about 3/4 of your ribbon.  Next cut the loop at the end in half.  You can tie it and be done there or you can continure.  To continue  Take one end of your bracelet and bring it to the other.  Put your ribbon from one side through the holes of the first pop tab.  The bottom string goes through the top hole and the top string goes through the bottom hole.  Pull it together but do not pull it too tight.  Take the two string that are coming from under your pop tab and thread them through the next pop tab so that its on the inside of the bracelet.  Pull both set of ribbon and tie the pairs together.  Cut  the remaining ribbon off.  Once you are done with the bracelet you can crazy glue a ribbon onto where we tied the strings.  

You could make a lot of things this way; necklaces,  belts,  head bands.  

Clothes hangar

I hang up majority of my clothes.  I will hang up anything that is possibly able to hang up.  I run out of room a lot so I looked for some ways to make room in your closet.  First thing that popped up was pop tabs.  It only works with wire hangars.  You take a pop tab and put in on the first hangar and then take your second hangar and hang it from the other end of the pop tab! I was amazed when I first heard about it!! 


Dori the giant has a great clip for this so I don't have to spend so much time explaining it.  You need pop tabs and ribbon and probably something to attach it at the top to like a board :p You can also do this with a cover for a light!


DIY Scentsy

This blog is going to be short and simple.  Basically you know when your candle is almost out and there is still wax that you can't get to.  Heres how you can recycle all of it.  Boil water and put the candle on a double boiler.  Easy way to explain this and the way I did it, if you don't have a double boiler.  Boil water in a big pot.  Take a little pot and float it on top of the boiling water.  Sit the whole candle on it.  It may take a while to melt depending on how much candle is left.  When it is finished take an empty scentsy case or I'm an ice cube tray or something would work and dump the wax into it.  BAM!! you have home made scentsy bars.  Then take the water from the boiler and fill the candle jar with it.  The left over wax should come to the top.  If it doesn't sit the candle (with the water in it)  in the sink and start adding hot water around, not in,  the candle.  Take a quick swipe on the inside with a wet washcloth or a paper towel and let it dry.  Use it for holding things like q-tips, bobby pins,  cotton balls,  or kitchen utensils.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Face Wash, Teeth Whitener, and Stretch Mark Remover

One of a girls main goals is to be as pretty as can be.  Though many of us want to look like the girls we see in magazines and on tv,  its pretty much impossible.  I'm a 19 year old girl and I know what it feels like to want to be the prettiest girl.  We want to have the whitest teeth, be as skinny as possible,  and have perfect skin.  It made me wonder what most girls could do at home to achieve being all they want to be and by most girls I mean me :)

Face Wash

I have tried proactive and things like that my whole life.  No matter what I always felt like I could not get rid of my acne.  When I started getting into the DIY the first thing I wanted to see was acne washes.  

At the moment I am currently trying baking soda and lemon juice.  Squirt some lemon juice into a cup and add enough baking soda to make it a little thicker.  IT WILL FOAM (just an fyi).  Paste it onto your face and leave it as long as you can.  That may be over night or just as much time as you have to yourself during the day.  

I have heard from my aunt about a technique also.  She told me to take the whites of eggs (not the yolks) and form a layer on your face.  Keep adding layers until you can't stand it anymore and wash it off.  It's suppose to get deep down in the pores.  

Teeth Whitener

Who doesn't want to have white teeth?  I am one of those people who would probably bleach my teeth every hour if it wasn't a health risk.  I would brush and rinse my teeth up the 4 times a day and not get the results I wanted.  When I came across a pin for whitening teeth I had to try it.  It worked!! There are two ways that you can do it.  ^Above I talked about the lemon juice and baking soda.  That is the first way.  The second way is lemon juice and salt.  Squirt lemon juice in a cup and add baking soda.  Then paste it onto your teeth.  Keep it on for a couple of minutes and then normally brush your teeth.  Repeat once a week.

Stretch Mark Remover

The first time I noticed I had stretch marks was when I was 14.  I thought that you had to have a baby to get stretch marks.  It came to a big surprise that most girls do get them.  I have them on the inside of my thighs and they are so embarrassing.  It had gotten to the point that I didn't even want to go swimming in the summers because of the fear that someone would notice them.  Luckily for me I'm getting them to slowly disappear by using cocoa butter.  I rub some onto the spots in a circular motion twice a day.


Bobby Pins, Fish Tank, Utensils.

Hey!!  I'm Sam as you may or may not know.  I can't work or go to school at the moment so I currently just sit at home and waste time.  I've recently gotten into the DIY scene.  I LOVE it.  Basically all I spend my time doing is looking on pinterest for new and interesting things to try and some I come up with myself.

I wanted to share the things I'm trying.  Possibly get some feedback and maybe even people who enjoy them just as much as I do.

Bobby Pins

I always find myself with a ton of bobby Pins just lying around.  I've never been able to think of something to do with them that would actually work.  I started investigating.  There were several good ideas.  I decided to try the first one there was.  An old prescription bottle.  

It was really simple and when I run out of room on the outside I can just throw them in the center. 

Fish Tank

When it was time to clean my fish bowl I threw my fish in the first thing I could find.  It just happened to be a big pickle jar.  My mind started going about a mile a minute.  This was the final result.  
I fell in love with it.   I used a 1 gallon jar. Put some of his rocks in there and Ta Da.  


My next challenge was a way to clear space.  I was tired of having my cooking utensils in a drawer and I needed to find something to hold them in.  I searched my house and found an old vase.  It wasn't big enough.  I started searching online for something else I could use.  I quickly found how to get the remaining wax out of a candle.  It was like a light flashed on inside of my head.  I grabbed my candle that had went out about a week ago and filled it with hot water.  Then I sat it in my sink with hot water.  In about 5 minutes the wax pretty much just fell into the trash can when I tipped it over.  

I love DIY! Especially since times are hard right now and because I'm home all day!! Thanks for reading I'll be posting more!!