Thursday, January 31, 2013

Face Wash, Teeth Whitener, and Stretch Mark Remover

One of a girls main goals is to be as pretty as can be.  Though many of us want to look like the girls we see in magazines and on tv,  its pretty much impossible.  I'm a 19 year old girl and I know what it feels like to want to be the prettiest girl.  We want to have the whitest teeth, be as skinny as possible,  and have perfect skin.  It made me wonder what most girls could do at home to achieve being all they want to be and by most girls I mean me :)

Face Wash

I have tried proactive and things like that my whole life.  No matter what I always felt like I could not get rid of my acne.  When I started getting into the DIY the first thing I wanted to see was acne washes.  

At the moment I am currently trying baking soda and lemon juice.  Squirt some lemon juice into a cup and add enough baking soda to make it a little thicker.  IT WILL FOAM (just an fyi).  Paste it onto your face and leave it as long as you can.  That may be over night or just as much time as you have to yourself during the day.  

I have heard from my aunt about a technique also.  She told me to take the whites of eggs (not the yolks) and form a layer on your face.  Keep adding layers until you can't stand it anymore and wash it off.  It's suppose to get deep down in the pores.  

Teeth Whitener

Who doesn't want to have white teeth?  I am one of those people who would probably bleach my teeth every hour if it wasn't a health risk.  I would brush and rinse my teeth up the 4 times a day and not get the results I wanted.  When I came across a pin for whitening teeth I had to try it.  It worked!! There are two ways that you can do it.  ^Above I talked about the lemon juice and baking soda.  That is the first way.  The second way is lemon juice and salt.  Squirt lemon juice in a cup and add baking soda.  Then paste it onto your teeth.  Keep it on for a couple of minutes and then normally brush your teeth.  Repeat once a week.

Stretch Mark Remover

The first time I noticed I had stretch marks was when I was 14.  I thought that you had to have a baby to get stretch marks.  It came to a big surprise that most girls do get them.  I have them on the inside of my thighs and they are so embarrassing.  It had gotten to the point that I didn't even want to go swimming in the summers because of the fear that someone would notice them.  Luckily for me I'm getting them to slowly disappear by using cocoa butter.  I rub some onto the spots in a circular motion twice a day.


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